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a cry for help concerning two mods


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ok heres my problem with these two mods


first the pipe mod, I can make it so NPCS can smoke pipes thats fine but every time I try to equip my character pipe even after I've grinded tobacco in my pouch it says this item can not be equip due to the fact its miscillenous well not just that it just won't equip and I've tried everything, any clues or tips or anything would be appreciated



second, I tried to download snow dragon temple but it then goes onto "transfering file to this location please be patient" and nothing happens for hours on end, believe me I've waited hours on end, and I've looked all over the net for another location of the file but no luck, can anyone tell me how I ACTUALLY CAN obtain this file? or atleast email me a copied version of your snow dragon temple? please I really want it! like a kid who can't wait until tomorrow to open his presents, any advice on this and the pipe mod would be appreciated thanks.



I just need answers to what your probably thinking my stupid questions.



sorry for this.

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