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I have reposted verbatim the description of the mod, as I have to go to work. Goodnight everyone!


It's a bit of a work in progress, and I would like the community to take part. I want to add books, a great many books to Skyrim.


Send me an Email at [email protected] (My throwaway account lol.) with the heading "Skyrim Books" if you wish to take part, no one will be turned down.


So far I have a handful of books inserted as proof of concept. You can find them in Dragonsreach, by the Jarl's throne. The story behind it is that the Jarl ordered a shipment of books (a handful of which are vanilla.) The sneaky Farengar has absconded with a particular book in a series.


As a starter I have included small (unfinished) series entitled "Survival Tips" written by a foreigner to Skyrim, as well as a book aimed at children titled "Wart, the Gallant Skeever".


If you wish to add your books be creative, it can be a book, or a journal detailing a characters exploits. Just try to stick to lore, though if you do want a goofy non-lore related book to appear, I may make an "Easter egg" chest and hide it in one of the holds, filled with the tales of Jumomo the whale man. Simply copy and paste your story with your name (Screen, or Character, though I would like a screen name to credit you.)


What I would be interested to see is;


A: A journal written by a recently infected Vampire.


B: A plagiarizer who is trying to cash in on the popularity of the Lusty Argonian Maid. (For the laughs.)


C: A guide to the holds, as written by the Thalmor.


D: A book documenting the exploration of a troll filled cave.


Anything will be excepted, those are just a few suggestions. If you want it written by a character, attach a screenshot to the email, and I will try to incorporate it.

Don't let spelling get you down, I always spellcheck and test the books ingame before release.


Leave feedback! I love it.

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I personally wouldn't mind seeing some books out there with content from uesp and other information sites. The info would have to be modified and some left out for it to make sense coming from the perspective of someone in the game world, and you would have to credit the work as per the copyright terms of uesp, but there is definitely some potential there
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I personally wouldn't mind seeing some books out there with content from uesp and other information sites. The info would have to be modified and some left out for it to make sense coming from the perspective of someone in the game world, and you would have to credit the work as per the copyright terms of uesp, but there is definitely some potential there


Lol, don't worry, I got the bases covered there. So far I have had two people send something in, and all I have added was written from knowledge garnered while playing.

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