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Broken fire graphics


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So I've been playing Skyrim for a while now and everything has worked great, but the other day I tried putting a couple of new mods on through the steam workshop. Specifically, Isilmeriel's LOTR Weapons, Extended Vanilla Weapons, and Moonpath to Elsweyr. Before this I had on Dragon Falls Manor, Collector's Vault, Ultimate Castle Defense, and Apocalypse Spell Package, which all worked fine together. However, when I started playing, I found that trying to use magic or looking at fire would cause the screen to rapidly flash yellow and mess up. After trying several ways of fixing it, I ultimately ended up removing all the mods and re-installed Skyrim, but the graphics glitch was still there. I'm not really sure what to do now, any help would be appreciated.



I have attached a screenshot of what it basically looks like.

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