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Small 1.6 modding issue

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I just noticed this mess when I started a new game tonight after (having no internet for about a week) At any rate my companions weren't were they were supposed to be.


I'm in the habit of creating a new cell for npcs I add to the game. I then give them at least one package to some interior vanilla cell or another. My npcs would have their own volition then go to that interior vanilla cell, and this way I didn't have to drop them directly into the vanilla world anywhere.


As of 1.6 they apparently won't leave a non-vanilla cell anymore or they need a must complete flag they didn't need previously? Anywho, I'm not in a troubleshooting mood so I'm gonna have to do an on init moveto thingie to their scripts to get them out of their starting cells I guess.


Edit: I realized upon waking up this morning that I have 3 other mods where an npc leaves their non-vanilla starting cell that still work... Still too lazy to figure out why just yet.

Edited by mojodajojo
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