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Dual-Wield visual fix


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Idea is fairly simple. Add another mesh or whatever when players/npcs dual wield.

Many of us tried Dual-Wielding, and what puts me off the most, why I stopped using dual-wield, is because it absolutely sucks in 3rd person view.

You know where one of the weapons is, but where is the other? When you draw your swords out, second one just magicly pops out, it would be fine if it was magic and there was an effect, but not even that, it's just spawned like through the console commands... that sucks.


Three variants could be made.

1st - weapons on the same side, one scabbard normal, another one under or behind the first. EXAMPLE

2nd - weapons on the same side, one scabbard normal, another one under different angle or positioned differently. EXAMPLE Minus one sword.

3rd - weapons on different sides, same angle. EXAMPLE PLEASE, PLEASE! Ignore the other 4 swords -.- pay attention to just 1 sword on each side.


This is just a visual mod, and something that Bethesda missed I DON'T KNOW HOW!!! You ask them for dual-wield, and they don't even do it properly.

I don't know how hard or simple this would be, but I've seen some crazy stuff done, so I believe this would be quite easy for you people.

Looking forward to positive results :)

Edited by xangreigor
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Checked it, and no.

One is not really safe, other is complicated. I'm asking for a simple visual fix for the mod to add extra scabbards when using two swords, or any other condition mentioned in the first post.

It adds only and only that. No gameplay changes or anything like that, just a visual fix for a proper dual-wield look.

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