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Removing mods IN MO, and starting again.


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Hi guys.


Without going into my problems again, I've decided to start a fresh. Am I right in thinking that as I use MO, I can just remove all the mods in the left pane of MO. Reinstall them, as they're still in my downloads list, and start a new game with these mods now installed. As MO Installs them in its own virtual data folder, removing them from the default profile, SHOULD allow for a vanilla install of the game,and a fresh start to modding again.


Am I right?


Thanks in advance.

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You are right.

I suppose the only thing to look out for are mods installed outside mod organizer like FNIS or anything you may have installed manually to your Data folder (hopefully you havent done that)


EDIT: Oh and changes you may have made to your ini files

Edited by QuagaarWarrior
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