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lack of content mods?


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on topic: yes there are a handful of new quests/zones to try out, some are very high quality and interesting.


off topic: navmesh bug is worse than ever since 1.6 for me. instead of an issue every few days, i get a few issues every day. i've spent as much time bumping into people to try to "jump start" them back into their scripted movement as i have playing the game


it's horrible. 1.6 is complete garbage. didn't fix the navmesh bug, added in some other bug that isn't really triggered by anything in particular but will refuse to use the VRAM, memory and GPU power at its disposal


feels like sometimes i'm trying to run skyrim on a computer i had in the mid 90s. it's worse than when skyrim and nvidia were clashing and kicking the card into low-power mode and giving you 405mhz of power to utilize until you restart


like everything bethesda, 1.6 was thrown out there for someone else to fix

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Oblivion was really easy to build quests for compared with Skyrim. blah blah blah...


Complete thread hijack :down:

Seriously David, your posts are beginning to sound like a scratched record or an endless replay of Monty Python's "Four Yorkshiremen" sketch :sick: Please answer the OP's question. Comparing Skyrim to Oblivion is totally counter-productive. Some of us have never even played the latter :armscrossed: .


On topic: This link points you to the tag search results for all the mods on nexus that have the "quest" tag. There were about 75 results.

Edited by steve40
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