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Uninstalling modded meshes


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I recently decided to try out glowing ores v 300. While I like the premise of the mod, I found the lighting way too unbalanced and bright. I had a look around and looked through the read me of the mod and it doesnt detail how to actually uninstall the mod.


I was wondering if anyone knows specifically how to uninstall (manual uninstall not through NMM) Glowing Ores V-300 or at the least how to replace old vanilla meshes and textures.


I dont have much experience actually modding myself but im willing to play around with it if I could get some pointers.


Would I need to d/l the creation kit if I was to modify the textures/meshes or is there a way to access original meshes and textures even when you have overwritten them?


Thanks for any help on this. Given the popularity of the mod, im sure someone has probably asked this question before but I tried conducting a forum search and it drew a blank. Surely im not the only one who thinks the current luminescence of the mod is a bit over the top?

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I recently decided to try out glowing ores v 300. While I like the premise of the mod, I found the lighting way too unbalanced and bright. I had a look around and looked through the read me of the mod and it doesnt detail how to actually uninstall the mod.


I was wondering if anyone knows specifically how to uninstall (manual uninstall not through NMM) Glowing Ores V-300 or at the least how to replace old vanilla meshes and textures.


I dont have much experience actually modding myself but im willing to play around with it if I could get some pointers.


Would I need to d/l the creation kit if I was to modify the textures/meshes or is there a way to access original meshes and textures even when you have overwritten them?


Thanks for any help on this. Given the popularity of the mod, im sure someone has probably asked this question before but I tried conducting a forum search and it drew a blank. Surely im not the only one who thinks the current luminescence of the mod is a bit over the top?


As long as you haven't installed any other mods that effect ore textures, you shouldn't have overwritten anything. The easiest way (beside using a mod manager) is to re-download the mod, unzip and look at the files. Glowing Ore is a simple one. Go to steam/steamapps/common/skyrim/data in the meshes folder find dungeons/mines/ore and delete the ore folder. In textures delete the 300 cubemaps folder.


Or you could try this mod, which tones down the glow a bit.

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