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I'm enjoying Dragon Age: Inquisition so far but one of the few things really bugging me is the amount of time (15 to 20 minutes) it takes for party banter to activate - especially since these interactions often reveal important things about the characters' feelings and opinions, as well as their relationships to one another. I see a mod was created in August 2016 to guarantee activation every 15 minutes but I was wondering if it was possible to create one that could activate it every 10 minutes instead, every time battle mode isn't active.


Thanks in advance!

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@thomasricard; You mean More Banter isn't good enough for you? :huh:

As that author says, "Having them say something every minute would leave you with repeated banter, or nothing but silence."


And in a game as long as this one, the difference between "every 15 mins" and "every 10 mins" really doesn't seem worth worrying about. You're going to hear all the available banter lines anyway. (Or not hear them when they get cut-off by some stupid side-trigger.)

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just throwing this out there - there is a known bug that makes the banter not trigger correctly, and i'm pretty sure it does still happen even if you have the mod. If banter isn't triggering, try cleaning out your quest log by going into your Completed Quests and selecting any quest that has a diamond next to it. (this video explains it better: https://youtu.be/6XTEpL53ZL0?t=80 )


With that said, I wouldn't mind having a More Banter mod that allows for an even shorter time between banters than the existing mod for 15 minutes. I tend to not spend a ton of time clearing out areas/doing sidequests so I don't ever actually hear most of the banter as things stand. Don't know if there's a possibility to create a bantering command or hotkey to force a banter on demand, but that might be nice too.

Edited by unniebee
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In what location should I download More Banter?


@thomasricard; Not sure I understand the question. More Banter is a ".daimod" file. It needs to be placed in whatever folder you put all your ".daimods", then the you use DAI Mod Manager (which is now part of the DAI Tools Suite) to incorporate the relevant elements into your game.

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