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Killing "invincible" characters?


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If you have any problems such as a mod conflict, you can try Console commands. Here is what the UESP Wiki says, but there's a warning at the end:


SetEssential BaseID #

(Only works with NPC and creature IDs.)


Makes the NPC or creature belonging to the ID essential or non-essential depending on the number used (1 for essential, 0 for non-essential). Be careful if you use this on a creature as it will affect every creature of that name.

Ex.: SetEssential A288 0; removes Countess Millona Umbranox's essential flag.


Links: Lists of NPC IDs: Named NPCs - Generic NPCs; Lists of creature IDs: Animals - Horses - Undead - Goblins - Monsters - Daedra - Dremora.


Other applications: N/A


Notes: Be careful with this one as you can break quests if you make the wrong NPC non-essential at the wrong time, but you can also protect a quest by making a non-essential NPC essential.


SetEssential <Base ID>

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