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Vilkas repeating him self over and over...


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Okay, firstly, not sure if this is true. However, what weapons are you using? I unequipped my sword and the continuous repetition stops. When I had my bow equipped the dialogue did not stop.


So, either


a) my sword - ANCIENT NORD SWORD - counts as a magic item, which is possible, since my bow - ANCIENT NORD BOW - is the same type. In other words, don't use ancient nord weaponry.


b)your weapon (whatever is equipped) counts as a magic item. This may be why SHIELD BASHING Vilkas works, but doing the equivalent WITH A WEAPON doesn't work.


Hope that helps!

Edited by astantos
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actually various aspects of the entire Companions questline seems to be bugged for me, in addition to Vilkas' never ending proclaimations against magic, in certain other quests there are scripted things that simply do not happen, such as doors not opening, people not talking etc. I havn't found an in game non cheat way around these yet...I believe it is related to a mod, but since I run so many mods I have no idea of knowing which one it is.

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I just started a replay and encountered this bug. I had no magic items even with me and only had unenchanted vanilla armor.

I tried the sniping with a bow as suggested, but he just sheats his sword and nothing further happens. I was about to try disabling all the mods when I decided to give Vilkas a warmly meant f*#@ you by standing right in front of him and shooting him straight into the face. And... that worked...


So if anyone is still stuck on this, try shooting him in the face from close range. This was in between dialogues where Vilkas had his weapons sheated (basically right before he would draw his sword.)

The timing probably matters.

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  • 4 weeks later...

About this bug :

Hello everyone, i have the same issue. I fight him whit arrows, 3 arrows and it's fix. I'm a compagnion.


(Problème: Vilkas répète sont discours d'entrainement dans la cour à propos d'une quelconque utilisation de la magie: Salut à tous, j'ai eu le même problème. Je lui ai juste tiré 3 flèches dans le corps puis il a validé l'initiation.)

Edited by johnbe
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
If you walk up to him face to face, and equip a shield in one hand and an unenchanted sword/mace/axe in the other, it should fix the glitch if you just shield bash him repeatedly. Over and over until you hear the dialogue "not bad.." or something of the other. He will then proceed to give you his sword to have sharpened by Eorlund. I hope this resolves everyones issue as it has for me. :D
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  • 3 months later...

Here is what I found in this case. Turning off the Unofficial Skyrim patch just gave me a CTD. I turned it back on and tried the sniping method. It took a few arrows but people started commenting "Not Bad" when I stopped shooting him I was past the glitch. Hope this helps someone else.

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  • 3 weeks later...

okay this is how you fix it easily you just stand close to him (melee range) and go to console with tilde key ( ~ ) then left click on him so it shows his number the type disable and hit enter. He will disapear then without exiting the console type enable and exit the console and immediately start swinging your sword. he will appear in front of you and youll hit him and he will do his dialogue to complete it. if that doesnt work the first time try having your sword start the animation before going to console the first time, thats what i did and it took 2 times for it to work but it worked

Edited by benitodiaz
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  • 2 weeks later...

This was happening to me and I figured out it was because the special locational effects from the locational damage mod was being registered as magic.

Yeah I'll confirm this. I encountered the same bug, and figured it was mods. I *sigh*'d and googled the issue to find an easier fix rather than process of elimination with my mods. After seeing OverlordQuasar's post, I determined that if his Locational Damage mod was the issue, then my DeadlyHeadshots was most likely mine. And it was.


So, if you have the issue and happen to have one of these mods or something similar, it's probably the culprit.

Edited by RonnieJay
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