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fllowers too far away


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More specifically lydia, she likes to stand around a lot before following and if you move too fast she will lose sight of you. I hate having to babysit my followers in this game, they constantly get stuck, lost won't jump down sometimes I really can't stand that and it messes with my plans to level each follower equally. I noticed that the girl you get in riften follows too closely and seems to run into the player a lot. Would also be nice to see a fix for the follower jumping right in front of you during combat! I really hate this because at some point lydia does it a lot and she ends up looking kinda pissed all the time afterwards lol. Maybe make them stand to the side to give the player a clear shot? The only benefit of the follower jumping in front of the player is if the player is low level but has good healing powers and it does make leveling the follower easier because they see all the action but the player doesn't level up in combat much.
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