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How would I do this...........?

Spartan Mage

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Ok I want Ysabel ( she's the woman in the bloodworks who gives you fights once your grand champion ) I want her to say to me after I'm Grand champion, "Here's agronak's key to the champion tent, its nothing special but it gives you privicy", and then I want her to hand me a key how would I go about doing that.
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Hello, Spartan Mage. I would be glad if the following could be of any help to you, but I think editing dialogs is a little complicated, so I can't explain its use itself in the CS here. So, I would introdude the page that shows its use. If you already know it, please forgive me for my rudeness.



To have her say that, some processes are needed.


Step 1. Create a new topic at the "Topics" tab in the "Quest" window

Choose "Add topic" and name a new topic's ID and a new "Topic Text". Right click with mouse in "Info" and choose "New". Then a new "response" will appear. Double click it and then "Edit Response" window will open, where you can describe the words that you wish to give her.


Step 2. Attach the 2 conditions to the response.

At the foot of "Quest" window, you will find "Conditions", where you can set the conditions that you wish. By right clicking with mouse and choosing "New", a new condition will appear, which you can set up. Two conditions "GetIsID" and "GetFactionRank" need to be added. "GetIsID" defines the person who say the words. In this case, Ysabel's ID should be chosen as a parameter. "GetFactionRank" defines the time when she says the words. In this case, The rank 8 of the faction "ArenaCombatants" should be chosen as a parameter. Also, "Run on Target" needs to be checked because the player's faction needs to be checked, not hers.


Step 3. Describe the script of "additem" on "Result Script"

By describing the script of "additem" on the "Result Script", she can hand you the item (a key?) that you wish when the topic is chosen. Its construction is "player.additem {the item's ID}".


Step 4. Add the response to another topic

Since the above work only created the new response, it won't appear unless you add it somewhere. For example, you can add it to one of her greetings. If you do so, the topic will appear after she says the greeting. By choosing the topic, she will say the words and hand you the item. As for this, I can't show the specific process because I don't know where you wish to add it.


I wrote the above just for your information of the summary., so actually, some more processes would be required in order to have the topic work. (e.g. providing voice files and lip files, thinking where to add the topic...etc)


I wish the above could be of any help to your project. Good luck.

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