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How do you dismount a horse now?


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Help. I've tried every key on the keyboard, both mouse buttons and combinations of all and can't figure it out. Yes, I did do a search for "dismount" on this forum before posting this, but could not find the answer.


A plate of cookies to whoever answers. Thanks.

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Well if you've just logged in after updating your game it may have reset all your keybindings. It did that to me. So if you had everything set rather custom as I did, you may have to rebind your stuff.
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No, I didn't do any custom keys. I use the default key settings and never changed them.


EDIT: NEVER MIND. You press "E". The first time I pressed "E" it didn't work, but I tried the key again and it worked this time. Thanks anyway.

Edited by Snowsong
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