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Lucasarts and Bethesda, a Starwars RPG


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Ever since I was about 3 years old, I was in love with the Star Wars universe. It has been and still is my favorite fictional universe. I've always wanted an immersive starwars game with an open-world, incredible story and great gameplay. You can choose your own destiny!



What It Needs




-X Wing Vs Tie Fighter/Rogue Squadron Aerial combat


-Multiple planets to travel to with world maps the size of the Capital Wasteland or Skyrim


- Build your own character, choose from many races, be a jedi, smuggler, slaver, gun toting force wilder, lightsaber wielding thief, smooth talking gangster, etc.


- Buy your own ship, or even design your own ship, then customize it anyway you want


-ability to switch from 1st to 3rd person for people who like to take screenshots


- multiple beginnings and endings: Start in jail, as a youngling in the jedi academy, a recruit for a factions military, etc


-A Creation Kit: 100% moddable


-Made for the PC and not consoles


-Intense battles: on the ground and in the air


-fun mini-games like racing(swoop racing, podracing- depending on the era) , gambling, etc.


-you can customize armor, weapons, and clothes.


-hours and hours of gameplay


-great replay-ability value


-made on a powerful engine (Unreal, Crytech, etc)

What it shouldn't have


- CLONE WARS!! any era mentioned in the Kotor series (Jedi Civil War, Mandalorian War, Hyperspace war, etc), Galactic Civil War, or Post GCW, just no Clone Wars!


-CUTSCENES, have all interludes IN-GAME


-3rd person only, because 3rd person sucks balls.


- Simplicity, it shouldn't be over easy for the f***ing COD generation.


Feel free to add anything guys. It would be wicked if a team of people who have an interest in this wouldn't mind getting together and making an independent game like this, or if anyone from LA, Bethsoft read this and had some power in those companies. But that is wishful thinking after all. Feel free to add on to this Nerdgasm.

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3rd person only, because 1st person sucks?


1st person only, because 3rd person sucks?


I generally prefer 3rd person, but often find myself in the minority in comparison to old school type-gamers.




Are you fan of pre-cu SWG? The EMU is making great strides these days.




And ANH is still around. Not sure where they are currently at progress wise.




Edit: Figures I link to the EMU and both their servers are down.

Edited by mojodajojo
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3rd person only, because 1st person sucks?


1st person only, because 3rd person sucks?


I generally prefer 3rd person, but often find myself in the minority in comparison to old school type-gamers.




Are you fan of pre-cu SWG? The EMU is making great strides these days.




And ANH is still around. Not sure where they are currently at progress wise.




Edit: Figures I link to the EMU and both their servers are down.


I put 3rd person only under what there shouldn't be. You should have an option to choose 1st or 3rd person. I'm not a fan of MMO's, a singleplayer experience is what this kind of thing would be.

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Got you. I missed the what it shouldn't have line.


I bet you'd like Pre-Cu SWG it's not what current MMOs are like. Immensely complicated crafting system and every item breaks at a fairly quick pace. You also don't have to team up for everything like in current MMOs. Skill-based so everyones not a clone. My favorite all time games are Morrowind and Pre-Cu SWG

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I bet you'd like Pre-Cu SWG it's not what current MMOs are like. Immensely complicated crafting system and every item breaks at a fairly quick pace. You also don't have to team up for everything like in current MMOs. Skill-based so everyones not a clone. My favorite all time games are Morrowind and Pre-Cu SWG


Oh really? I might have to check it out. I know SWG is offline, and I'm guessing it doesn't matter with the emulator. It doesn't matter, because the emulator provides its own server(s), am I correct?

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It just wouldn't work well...


Open world RPGs are the size they are primarily because of the amount of production time needed to fill out each world. So either you have rich, but fairly small environments, like Skyrim, or you have dozens of environments but relatively little development or freedom... like many other previous Starwars games. There is essentially a point where the production schedule can either include more locations, or more detail to the ones you have, but not both... If that makes sense. Essentially it becomes a matter of depth. Too much and the game's cost becomes staggering to produce, too little and it leaves players wanting. MMOs are able to get away with more on this end of things because they can start earning money from memberships and bought extras even when there is relatively little content for the game, and can continually add more content over the life of the game filling out areas, expanding, re-balancing, and can make use of other players to provide extra content (guilds, pvp, crafting, roleplayers, ect).


There is also an issue with cannon. Most of what people know about Starwars comes from the movies which explain relatively little and often just add in names and races just to fill some archetype needed for some screen element. The books supposedly touch upon many of these better, but their inclusion in cannon, and what exactly is and is not cannon is debatable (worse than the geek debate on the number of episodes for Star Trek TOS). Essentially whoever made the game would end up having to write a heavy amount of their own cannon in order to fit whatever storyline was desired for the game, which has not always had a good reception (Force Unleashed). As you're including Bethsoft in this, you may as well be asking for an open world space game, and just leaving it at that. The other part of lore is that really the only period of time which has any official development is the time of the time between the 2nd and 4th movie. After that and the concept of Jedi becomes entirely lost to the galaxy save a few minor groups hiding in secret (in a span of about 16 years mind you). Before that and there really isn't any strong antagonistic presence. To my knowledge there isn't much development to the cannon after Return of the Jedi, or much elaboration about what happened before Ep1. Other games managed to get around this usually by making the player play some minor role, but you really can't do that in an open world RPG since a player familiar with the franchise will go out of their way to find the biggest challenge they can and would get disappointed if they couldn't kill certain NPCs and such just to leave a meaningful mark on the world.



You may as well be asking George Lucas to make the Starwars franchise part of the creative commons.

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I bet you'd like Pre-Cu SWG it's not what current MMOs are like. Immensely complicated crafting system and every item breaks at a fairly quick pace. You also don't have to team up for everything like in current MMOs. Skill-based so everyones not a clone. My favorite all time games are Morrowind and Pre-Cu SWG


Oh really? I might have to check it out. I know SWG is offline, and I'm guessing it doesn't matter with the emulator. It doesn't matter, because the emulator provides its own server(s), am I correct?

The emulator has it's own servers, but it's not done yet. It is playable though, but they don't have all the professions like Droid Engineer, Bio-Engineer, Creature-Handler and some others implemented. They have a messing around server and a testing server. Also, they took Jedi back off I think when they upgraded their code or whatever they did recently, so if you're a glow stick swinger type you can't unlock that for a while.


If they ever get the game back up to it's original state it will do most of the things that MMO's don't do these days, mainly because when it was in that original state MMO's were still a new thing and they hadn't been honed down into a mind-numbing cash-collector for the greedy execs controlling the developing purse-strings.


Even in it's unfinished state, it's much better than the NGE garbage that SOE was running when they shut down.


Interestingly enough, the EMU approached SOE about reconstructing the code and received their blessing, I guess after the years of hatred the NGE caused amongst players they had to toss a bone out.

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I bet you'd like Pre-Cu SWG it's not what current MMOs are like. Immensely complicated crafting system and every item breaks at a fairly quick pace. You also don't have to team up for everything like in current MMOs. Skill-based so everyones not a clone. My favorite all time games are Morrowind and Pre-Cu SWG


Oh really? I might have to check it out. I know SWG is offline, and I'm guessing it doesn't matter with the emulator. It doesn't matter, because the emulator provides its own server(s), am I correct?

The emulator has it's own servers, but it's not done yet. It is playable though, but they don't have all the professions like Droid Engineer, Bio-Engineer, Creature-Handler and some others implemented. They have a messing around server and a testing server. Also, they took Jedi back off I think when they upgraded their code or whatever they did recently, so if you're a glow stick swinger type you can't unlock that for a while.


If they ever get the game back up to it's original state it will do most of the things that MMO's don't do these days, mainly because when it was in that original state MMO's were still a new thing and they hadn't been honed down into a mind-numbing cash-collector for the greedy execs controlling the developing purse-strings.


Even in it's unfinished state, it's much better than the NGE garbage that SOE was running when they shut down.


Interestingly enough, the EMU approached SOE about reconstructing the code and received their blessing, I guess after the years of hatred the NGE caused amongst players they had to toss a bone out.

I hate to say this, but I actually liked SWG during its last years. I was a "neutral" jedi that had a nice spined rancor pet. That's what I miss the most.

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I'd probably try a game like that out just to sate my curiosity, but I stopped being a star wars fan when I was 10-11.
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The first post is describing the first two kotor series :teehee:


Why wouldn't a rpg like Kotor work, sigh thats the way it originally was mean't to be.


the mmo thing ruined the series.

Edited by Thor.
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