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Fallout CTD


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Fallout 4 is (obviously) crashing to desktop. Yes, I have mods installed (list down below if you wanna look), up to date on NVIDIA GeForce Experience Driver, Verified Files, Started over.....still happened

(Thank God). Reinstalled Fallout 4 and all mods that I previously had, but went to Nexus, Bethesda.net, and a few other sites that interested me. I am on windows 10 64-bit system. The crashes vary sometimes twenty minutes in other times 2 hours. I used to play from 4-6 hours easily and never crashed, I normally figured out what to do by reading posts like mine. Trying to keep it short, if I missed anything ask and I will do my best to answer. I am using Vortex


Mods in Load Order









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