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A scaling mod


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Is there a mod that makes enemies scale better AND upgrades their weapons and armor?

I am tired of walking around at level 25 and one hitting bandits because they have fur armor, iron daggers, and are probably level 5.

I am looking for something that maybe gives them more health, damage, better armor, weapons and increases their level.. such as they now have orcish daggers and glass armor for example.


The closest thing I saw was ASIS, but I don't think it said anything about upgrading their gear.

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There is an armor scaling mod. I'm at work and I do not recall the name, but iirc the designer of deadly dragons 'bjiou' put it out. It basically adds magical properties to items. Say an enemy has a piece of leather armor...there would be a chance (chance can be set) that it would have a random property, +health, +carry capacity, resist fire, etc.
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