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I know there are many topics on stuttering but i just keep finding the same answers that don't work. With the settings im running skyrim great with no lag what so ever not even in the middle of huge battles with the civil war mod installed. But for some reason i get a strange kind of glitchy jumpy stutter when i look up and down in first person. Looking left to right is smooth as butter but up and down cause my characters hands to stutter nothing else not the environment just hands and weapon. I read a post where someone said running in window mode makes the stutter go away and it worked but i cant see myself playing much in windowed mode. There must be a fix for this somehow can i trick my skyrim to thinking its running in windowed mode or can someone help me fix this problem. Perhaps changing something in the ini woudl fix it. Not a huge issue but definitely immersion breaking.


Would appreciate any help or advice thanks.


Radeon XFX 4850

8 GB DDR2 Ram


AMD Phenom 9750 Quad 2.4 GHZ


Please do not try and tell me its lag or my system cant handle skyrim

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It might be a well known bug with not capping Skyrim's framerate. I forget what it's called... the 6?Hz bug, but I don't remember the second number...


Whatever, forget what I just typed, lol.

Cap your framerate at 60, and see if that helps. If you want a framerate higher than 60, you can try capping it higher but I don't know if it'll work simply due to the nature of this bug and how it relates to a framerate of 60.


I'm not talking about regular stutter, Skyrim has some specific framerate bug if it's not capped at certain values. Some people can run the game at upwards of 200 fps, but capping at 59 can cause stutter when capping at 60 won't. It's effed up, but I suppose it's just another thing with Skyrim's engine. I had stutter when I capped my fps at 30, and when I capped it at 60 the stutter disappeared. :blink:


I don't know if this'll help you at all...

Edited by Rennn
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