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Kingdom of Amalur Chakram in Skyrim


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Hey guys Ive been recently playing some KoA:Reckoning and liked the chakram mage weapons so I made some for Skyrim. Turns out it looks odd sheathed at the hip and I cant make it sheath on the back without making it a 2h weapon. I bent the angle of the plane of the weapon so that it didnt stick out at 90 degrees in front but now it clips with the leg and armor a bit. I was wondering if anyone knows how to make it sheath further down the side or on the lower back or something. Maybe someone made animations for daggers that double sheath on the lower back so you can draw them like an assasin because then I could adapt that to this. Any help would be appreciated. Textures are still beta and will be finetuned and maybe add some effects from the vanilla daedric artifacts to display in the middle of the disc just like in KoA:R game. And sadly they wont be throwable.







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