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Right hand spells won't work


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I just recently started having problems with the spells. I can cast a spell using my left hand or swing a weapon in my right, no problem. But if I try to use a spell in my right hand, nothing happens. I reinstalled Skyrim and will be going through and activating/deactivating mods, but I was hoping someone would have some insight. My plugins are:





navetsea female face preset.esp



dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp

Realistic Lighting.esp

Natural Skyrim Rain.esp

Better Dynamic Snow.esp










WATER - Get Wet.esp


I also recently replaced my computer to Win7 64bit with a Radeon 7770, if that is relevant.


EDIT: Solved.


For anyone curious, the problem child was Advanced Kill Moves. Shame, it was one of my favorite mods. Probably simply conflicted with something else; I've used it before without problem.

Edited by Koshok
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Advanced Killmoves


Not up to date with current 1.7.7 patch


I had the same problem when I came back to Skyrim. Advanced killmoves has been reported to cause toons to not cast any spells or similair animation problems with 1.7.7


I really hope this saves you some trouble.


You can use another kill move mod.


The Dance of Death...has the same functionality and works with current version.


Sorry if you spent too much time on this


Edit sorry I failed to read all the posts...Yes I still wouldnt use killmoves you'd have to revert to an earlier version to get it working again and I hardly think it'd be worth your time getting it to work with the current version unless your prepared to edit the esp with CK and or scripts.

Edited by gamefever
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