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Zombie Survival Rpg


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Ok, first of all i love all you guys making mods. They are very good most of em.


Ok, i was thinking all night about a mod togheter with a friend, and that was a Zombie Survival RPG mod.

I have seen there are many mods regarding RPG Skyrim, where you get sick, hungry, thirst, hypotermia etc..

I love all those things in a game. And i was thinking if somone might make a mod where Zombies are almost evrywhere in the game, ecept groups of survivors and Imperial Soldiors holding forts and smaller villiges.


Is a mod for that or something familiar possible? Ofc it is, but gonna take much work to it i guess.


All that would be in this kinda mod follows.


Feel that you need to survive

Scavange for supplies, food, etc

Hunger, sickness ( cold, eat bad food and stuff like that)

Baricading, search for survivors.


Many things, and i have no clue how to use CK program, otherwise i would spend all days creating this myself...


Tips/suggestions anyone??

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I say you should take the time to learn how to use the CK and craft something as cool as this yourself. I'm sure some modder out there is trying something very similar but to just do something like this with your imagination might be pretty rewarding.


Whoever does make a mod like this though will get plenty of hugs from me. :ohdear:

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