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Custom House Tower - Fight or Flight, Settlement Area


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Okay, so I am not a modder but I have had this idea stirring for a while., and I hope that someone out there can maybe bring this to reality.


At the moment, Custom House Tower consists of one large entrance room, with mutant "decorations" and very little loot. And no access to any kind of interior.


This is a bit of a long post but if you read it to the end, then maybe, you or someone you know will be inspired and talented enough to bring this idea to fruition. I hope so.


So, my idea it this:


Leave the entrance area as is, but add a doorway (advanced lock) off to one side...….


Main Lobby Area:


Through the doorway, is the main lobby area, Lifts at the back, (one working, down to basement carpark), stairs off to one side, leading to the First Floor office area, with stairs going further upwards, large collapsed floor leading to the basement area( more detail about this area further down this Post), and beyond. This area shows evidence of a massive firefight. Gunner sandbags and miscellaneous ammo storage etc.


Lying dead in the Lobby: Two (yes, 2) Behemoths, Gunners, Lots of Ghouls, (some of which are not dead), skeletons, destroyed turrets.


First Floor Offices:


Totally trashed office area, serving as the Gunner Commanders HQ, with working terminal. Loot Crate. Empty Ammo Boxes etc. Stairs leading upwards.


More dead Gunners, Ghouls (most dead, some alive).


Gunner Backstory: On the Gunner Commanders' terminal - initial recon, HQ setup, Mutant attacks, discovery of Pre War US Army HQ in basement, as well as 4 track Subway area with 2 crashed trains, discovery of 4 or 5 completely gutted floors 2 or 3 floors above First Floor (possible future Settlement area), discovery of Scavenger base 2 or 3 floors above that. Call for reinforcements to eliminate Mutants and tackle Scavengers. Report increasing attacks by Mutants. Final battle with Behemoths, expended ammo supplies, panic and retreat by Gunners up towards Scavenger Base.


Next Few Floors (2 or 3):


Trashed office areas, general loot, wall safes, etc.


More dead/live Ghouls, skeletons.


Empty Floors (4 or 5):


Almost completely empty floors stripped by Scavengers from Floors above, some general loot, desks, Storage/Maintenance Area containing Workshop. Suitable area for future Settlement.



Next Few Floors (2 or 3):

Trashed office areas, general loot, wall safes, etc. with Mines/Boobytraps (set by Scavengers from floors above)

More dead/live Ghouls, skeletons, couple of dead Gunners.

Scavenger Base (2 or 3 organised/lived in Floors):

Sandbag defences, upturned desks, beds, cooking stations, turrets, general clutter and loot. Has a large "General Managers" office area used by Scavenger Leader, with working terminal, Loot Crate, ammo boxes etc. more stairs leading up.

Dead Scavengers, dead Scavenger Leader, Gunners, dead/alive Ghouls. Body of dead Gunner Commander outside of main defended entry to Scavengers Base (killed by Scavengers or Ghouls).


On the Scavenger Leaders terminal - Found completely untouched building (inhabited by Ghouls), brought in more Scavengers, set up defences, stripped out Floors below, arrival of Gunners, initial Gunner contact, sounds of gunfire fighting, Final entry, sound of massive explosion (floor collapsing in Lobby) arrival of Gunners in panic trying to fight their way in, arrival of Ghouls right behind them.

Next Few Floors (2 or 3):

Trashed office areas, general loot, wall safes. uppermost Floor is semi observation/restaurant area, with visible windows, showing the exterior world. This floor also has a lift that will allow access to the very top of the building ( Main observation area (interior/exterior), restaurant.

(Optional Escape Route) This area also has "The Sky Car". Unused (due to be opened to the public Post Halloween). Cable car between Custom House Tower and another Skyscraper (maybe the one that the Constitution crashes into if it's close enough as this has a up/down lift already installed) Power for "The Sky Car" can be turned on in the main observation/restaurant area at the top of the tower.

Panic stricken, hostile Scavenger/Gunner survivors, Dead/alive Ghouls.

Top Floors (2):

Restaurant/Observation decks, general loot, restaurant safe, windows, outside area. Power switch for "The Sky Car". Terminal with general information about restaurant/Sky Car etc. Special VIP express lift to basement carpark.

Dead Scavenger, dead/alive Ghouls

The Basement:

Collapsed floor from the Main Lobby, leads to the underground carpark (street entry blocked) which consists of 2 levels. Door on the bottom level (advanced lock) leads to a utility tunnel with "Y" junction, left tunnel is collapsed but right tunnel is open ( lot of debris in this area), this tunnel leads around corner to a large opening in the side wall which leads to a US Army Military Reception desk area. Continuing to follow the utility tunnel leads to a wide open damaged door marked " Emergency Subway Exit" and lead to the 4 track subway tunnel (more info further down on this area).

In carpark area/utility tunnel are dead/alive ghouls , skeletons (civilian/military), little loot.

US Army Area:

Top Secret military HQ area. Entry by terminal on reception desk (General admission entries and door access). General Office Area, Commanders Office with terminal and loot crate. General electronic surveillance area, Barracks area with showers/toilets, Sick Bay, Armoury with turrets. Wall terminal controls turrets. General military loot throughout. Armoury contains Fat Man, Minigun, general ammo and weapons. Power Armour Stations. two complete sets of Pre War Power Armour. Totally empty Fusion Cores.

Military skeletons, dead/alive ghouls.

Backstory: On the US Army Commanders terminal - general entries, war alert, observations of explosions etc, collapse of tunnel. Use of Power Armour to remove rubble/create hole to utility tunnel, and depletion of Cores, discovery of Subway and hordes of Ghouls, evacuation notice due lack of food/water/supplies.

Subway Tunnel:

Utility tunnel leads to a Subway maintenance area, with office, security area containing general tools etc, and storage closet, Protectrons. Unlocked door leads to a large Subway tunnel area (blocked completely on all lines), in which are two wrecked trains, one passenger, containing general loot, suitcases, etc. and one cargo, carrying Radioactive barrels, wooden crates and boxes, containers, and Vault Tec containers, which can be looted. The passenger train was crowded, and not everyone died, but a lot got irradiated, hence the large amount of Ghouls

Skeletons (civilian), lots of Ghouls, some dead, but mostly very alive and hostile.

So, that's basically my idea for Custom House Tower.

I would love to be able to do this myself but it is way beyond my abilities and experience.

The overall idea is for the Player, to be chased and challenged, fighting their way, either from the Basement, or from the Lobby, all the way up the stairs, and through the offices, etc, to the very top of the building, by persistent and hungry Ghouls, panicked and hostile Gunners and Scavengers, escaping either by using the VIP lift from the restaurant/observation area, down to the Basement Carpark and then back through the Lobby, or via "The Sky Car" to another skyscraper.

In my dreams I see a horde of Ghouls chasing the Player to "The Sky Car' and all falling down out of the building as he makes his escape.

If anybody out there likes this idea, and knows someone who could do it justice, that would be awesome.

All I'd ask would be credit for the original idea.














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