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Stuck in a Corner


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So i installed a couple of mods, obviously, then i encountered the most peculiar bug. Swirling cutlery and boxes, at first it tried to reason with it, by looting it. Then i started to jump at it, but to no avail. I happened in Victor's Shack, the tlc command didn't help, the coc <somewhereelse> tp me outside but i still get stuck if i go back in the shack. Each time i enter it, i get stuck in the same spot in the shack. I can't evade it, as i spawn there, and it's not the usual spawn behind a door. It's more in the middle near a wall. Of course i don't need any help, i just wanted to ask how's the weather.
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This game has been riddled with spots like that ever since I've had it. Nothing is more annoying to me than getting caught in some innocent and innocuous position, unable to move and turn in any direction. it's one of the main reasons for my anybody but Obsidian mindset regarding the next release.
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