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Modifying Skyrim Sound Scripts


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I'm trying to work on a mod that replaces/adds sounds and music to certain parts of the game.

I've been able to create wxm files as needed and even use the Creation Kit to add them into the game.

My current problem is updating the music played after learning a new word.


I add my music as a new track.

Then go to the 'Music Type' MUSSpecialWordOfPower and replace the following three tracks with mine:





Yes, this does play my music after learning a word but also plays it after absorbing dragon souls.

So now I am trying to figure out how to only play my music after a new word is learned.

I tried going into the scripts but was unable to locate exactly where.

WordWallTriggerScript was the last script I was looking at.


Any help would be appriciated.

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Been a few days so I decided to *bump* the topic.

I went ahead and set the new audio to start when the player unlocks a Word in the Magic menu.

Still... I would much rather find a way to edit the music played after you 'absorb' a word.



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