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Mod Request: Edit animals buying prices in marnie shop


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Im trying to edit FarmAnimals.xnb using notepad ++, there's a value at the end of each line (before the animal's name) which i thought it was the price it would cost at marnie's shop, i edited it but there were no modification in-game - marnie's still wants to sell me the animals for the vanilla price.


Can anyone edit these values for me? Im trying to make this mod because it sucks to have to wait for end game to have pigs and rabbits... I did already edit the buildings and animals products so they can also be fair compared to the animals prices that I want, but i just cant edit the animal buying price itself!!!


Here is what i wanted the animal prices in marnie's shop to be:



DUCK 280



COW 350

GOAT 520


PID 670


Can anyone help me? Am i trying to edit the wrong xnb file?

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