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GECK : Packing and moving Statics/References/Items together

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Hello, fine gentlemen and gentlewomen,


I want to create 4 or 5 variations of book-filled shelves, then copy and paste them in different rooms to fill them. I find tedious that I have to select/deselect each book and shelves to do it, sometimes clumsily selecting a wall behind it.


Is there any way to link the books to the bookshelf so that every time I select it, all books are also selected and movable in the GECK ? I tried to do something with links and parents, but to no avail.


I'd be grateful for your valuable help.


Ps : on a completely unrelated matter, do anyone know how to implement an ending slider sequence right into the middle of the game ?

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Well, a slightly complicated method exists, though it would make the books into statics as well. And by that I mean you'd have to make static versions of the books first before you could proceed. But you could use Static Collections to do it.


Other than that, what I do when I need to move a small collection of clutter items around a lot is I'll select the whole area, copy it, and paste it into a blank part of the cell, or another cell entirely. Then I just remove the walls and other stuff that got copied over as well, and I'm left with just the parts I want. Then, whenever I need it, I can just go to that object, select it without fear of getting anything else, copy it and put it where I want.

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