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A Blade in the Dark quest bug!


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Hello, i need help with this very annoing bug, i got this A Blade in the Dark quest, so i fast traveled to orc camp which is close of Kynesgrove, i didn't fast trevel to Kynesgrove beacuse i havent found its location, so i went diffrent way to burial mound, Delphine was waiting behind of stone, and then we attacked to dragon and killed it and now the bug came, when i talk to Delphine, only two conversation are available and nothing of those aren't giving next quest, this is my problem and it is very Very frustrating to start new save game beacuse of this stupid bug.

I would be very thankful if somebody help me with this damned problem.

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Thanks for your answer. I did all things what you said but Delphine still keep saying: do you need something? and nothing happens.

And i found other bug, when i complete dustmain quest, companions won't offern any kind of work. And i found other bug, when i am crafting leather helmet for Adrianne, game won't show note that i crafted leather helmet and Adrianne not accept it.

I didn't have these weird bugs before but now i have those! :sad:

Edited by Brangrham
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  • 2 weeks later...

And i found other bug, when i complete dustmain quest, companions won't offern any kind of work. And i found other bug, when i am crafting leather helmet for Adrianne, game won't show note that i crafted leather helmet and Adrianne not accept it.

I didn't have these weird bugs before but now i have those! :sad:


then i only other thing i can think of is to right-click on skrim and click "delete local content" hten delete skyrim and download it again. you will have to restart you game, but chances are the bug will be fixed. if not, go female dog to besthsada and complain about it to steam. one of them is bound to do something to fix it.

Edited by balagana3
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