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Earlier versions of Wars In Skyrim did have some interesting side effects. I can't tell what version is installed in this case. I'm running version 4.6 with no obvious anomalies. If you really don't want to be encumbered, you can type "player.setav carryweight nnn", where nnn is the amount you want to be able to carry. You may have to reset it each time you load from a save game though. Not sure. But see if that allows you to ride the cart.

thank you very much blitzen.that solved the problem.KUDOS to you


only problem left now is this

Edited by sonicfan
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I can't take all the credit for this. VictoriaG actually identified the problem. All I did was provide a way to verify it, and give you a possible partial solution. If you find that you have to reset the carryweight each time you load from the save, you can try "player.modav carryweight nnn" instead. This will add the nnn value to the current carryweight value. It may allow the value to carry over from save to save. But it may not increment as you level up, as it normally does.
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