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Godswords From RuneScape


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I am not completely sure if anyone has suggested this before, but I think it wold be cool to have the Godswords off of RuneScape (free MMO) on Skyrim with stats not too different from a Daedric greatsword. Each Godsword could also have its own enchantment for people that would want them.

Armadyl: 30 Drain Magicka

Saradomin: 30 Drain Health

Zamorak: 30 Ice Damage

Bandos: 30 Shock Damage

This is a personal request and I would download it from anyone who would take the time to make this mod.


P.S.: I've seen a Hellreaver mod on YouTube I think its on the Steam Workshop, But I've had technical difficulties with Steam workshop in the past so I don't use it, if anyone could find the mod and put it on the Skyrim Nexus site I would also appreciate your effort.

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