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CK Uninstalling


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This is the second time within about a week that ive had this happen. I go to load the CK up as normal and I have to reinstall it as the programme is no longer there to run and when I install it it does it in about 2 seconds. This wouldn't be an issue so much but I have changed the ini files and everytime this happens it goes back to the vanilla ini siles and as im not that good with codes and programming and such I have to look for the code lines on line and where to place them.


Ok after kinda a rant and also informing you of my issue I was wondering if anyone else has had this happen or know why it happens and how to fix it.


Any help with this subject will be greatly recieved

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No idea how to fix the main problem but: Create a ck custom ini, and it keep you from ranting about having to change the ini files every time you update. The Creation Kit wiki should have info on how to make one, otherwise a google search will show you how as well.

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