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A damage adjustment mod


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I was looking for something like this. So many weapon balancing mods out there - well, a few anyhow - and it seems that something is always a little off with them. I'd been tweaking things in FO4Edit by hand and have been mostly happy with the results... sort of. This is the kind of thoughtful work I wish most modders would adhere to. You can make Fallout 4 a little more, or a lot, more realistic without turning it into a survival ordeal like Fallout 76. And still have a blast.


I'd been thinking of posting a suggested ballistic damage list, but I think I would be doing a better job bumping this thread, and mod.


EDIT: well now... I've encountered a weird bug with it. I uninstalled the other ballistic balance mod I was using and installed yours, and it broke a couple of weapon mod extensions, RU556 Armoury and (Wasteland Melody's) Service Rifle Expansion. All the parts those expansions installed vanished - the workbench options too. Reinstalling those mods didn't clear up the problem. I'm assuming there's something that has to be patched with them. If I can't figure out something that works today, I'm going to have to delete your mod for now and go back to whatever it was I was using. It's being a jerk and hiding from me...


EDIT some more: I might have a workaround. I tried poking at an invisible UIF Combat Rifle, and the parts gradually appeared again as I rebuilt it from the ground up. One took a couple of tries. But I needed the original mod, I think it's Immersive Tweaks. I'm not sure yours would sit well with another balance mod.

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