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I am desparate for a good quest mod


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Ruined-Tail's Tale is a good mod that comes with a nice Compaion its long but well worth it keeps you on your toes on certain parts


Lost Spires adds more hours of gameplay and great fun


Bartholm is a city mod but adds a lot more quests a new arena well worth the time


Carth Onasi

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This is a slightly biased view because I've done voice work for them but I chose to work on the following specifically because I was attracted by the idea of bringing them to life even more:

* 'Gates to Aesgaard' is definitely one of my favourites. I can't believe it hasn't been mentioned already.

* I would also second 'Elder Council' and indeed anything by Giskard. I personally like 'The Necromancer' but it's more like a 'Origin of the Mages Guild' and 'Kvatch Aftermath' add-on (also by Giskard).

* I believe Deathless Aphrodite is also working on another episode of 'Cybiades'. Very innovative gameplay and I enjoyed the first two.

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