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Port Chinese Soldier Gear from FO3


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It would not be legal to upload the meshes, so you would still have to go extract them yourself.


What you could do is go open Fallout 3 in GECK, make some inconsequential change to the armors you want, then save the plugin. Now go open it in FO3Edit and load your plugin (right click "Select None" to quickly deselect everything else). Once it loads your plugin, go the the Header part of it, and right click the Fallout3.esm line and click Edit. It'll ask if you want to, confirm. Just change the Fallout3.esm to FalloutNV.esm and save it.


Close F03Edit and copy the plugin from the Fallout 3 data folder to the FNV data folder. Then open it with FNVEdit to confirm it works. Now you need to go get the meshes and textures for yourself. You can use FOMM or a BSA archive browser program. There's one on the Nexus I believe, or just do a Google search for one. The benefit of FOMM is that it has a filter box for more easily finding files.


So open the BSA and look for the files that are listed in FNVEdit under each armor's model line. If using FOMM, you can select the whole batch of meshes/textures by Ctrl clicking each one, and then extract them (NOT the extract all button). It will automatically extract them to a full folder tree for exactly where they need to be relative to the Data folder. Move them to the FNV Data folder and test the mod in GECK to see if it displays correctly.

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