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Need help plz!!!


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first of all im new to this mod stuff i just got the game a few days ago...i was downloading a mod a few minutes ago and in the description it said to make a backup of the Data\meshes\characters and Data\textures\characters folders in case we wanted to unisstall and go back to the old ones...

ok so the problem is i dont have those folders inside the Data folder so i dont know where to put it...

do i need to add someting on the game or how do i get them??..

i havent put any mods yet but i do wanna add some but im missing those files..

if anyone can help me on that i will appreciate it...

i attach a picture of the data window,there are some files that are .bsa wich i hope those are the ones im missing but just to make sure im asking u guys..

well hope u can help me...


thanks in advance :sweat:

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The purpose of making a backup of those folders would be so you could go back to an older version from before you installed this mod. By installing this mod, it will create those folders. If you decide you don't want the mod, just delete those folders.


However, If you add more mods after that one, and then delete those folders, you will also lose the data from those other mods as well.

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ohh i see ,but the problem i was having was on how to get the meshes and texture folders the original since i dont have them on my data folder andi was looking at some of the icons inside and the are one that says mehses and one that says texture but em i supose to unpack em into the data folder i ask this cause i dont wanna make a mistake and ruin the game cause i had a hard time unisstallin it and insstalling it again...


thanks for the help bben46 ;)

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Just copy the esp, 'textures' and 'meshes' folders from the extracted zip/rar/7z into your oblivion\data folder. The folders aren't visible there by default since oblivion normally only reads the .bsa files, once you add plugins, then it starts 'using' the textures & meshes folder structure when needed. When installing your first mod, you don't really need to worry about any other files being overwritten and if you need to get rid of it, it's easy to just delete the folders. :) Once you're done with getting the files to their place, activate the esp and start enjoying the game.
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Before you go any further, There is a problem using mods when Oblivion is installed in the default directory. Usually shows as the mods will not show up in the game due to Vista's implementation of UAC.


UAC is a security feature. Ans instead of disabling it, the latest recommendation is:


Quoted from the Oblivion Mods FAQ WIKI


Using VISTA only: If you have downloaded and installed, and the mod is appearing in your Data Files List, but not in your game. Then you should reinstall Oblivion into a different directory instead of the default.


Installing mods on a Windows Vista system is bit trickier than it is on Windows XP due to Vista's increased security.


For best results, it is recommended to install Oblivion to a location other than the default C:\Program Files\ folder. Another location such as C:\Oblivion\ or D:\games\Oblivion\ will work better. This will avoid the file permission problems many users have experienced due to the increased security restrictions Vista places on the Program Files folder.


Doing this now, when you have few mods in will be easier than doing it later when you have a lot.

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