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All Armor at Merchants


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Hey all,


I downloaded a mod a few months back and can't seem to find it now.


It allowed all of the armory in game to be sold at various merchants.


Any help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks,



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I've never heard of this one, but it would be pretty easy to make. If you want, I can put something together for you. I could set it up so that:


Merchants sell all vanilla armor.


Merchants sell all vanilla weapons.


Merchants sell all vanilla armor & weapons.


Some merchants sell weapons only, some sell armor only.


Weapons/armor are sold based on Player level.


All weapons/armor are sold regardless of Player level.


Just let me know how you'd like it and I'll put something together.

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Vyper , sounds good. What i had allowed different merchants to have different pieces of armor and/or weapons. If you wanted a full set, then you would have to visit different shops so that it forced you to visit other locations. What was wier d was that it even allowed you to purchase eboron armor, which is what the slavers use in OOO, so it even allowed for different mod's vanilla armors. Edited by starbrow
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