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Hey everyone, ive had a few mod ideas in my head for quite a while now. I have little to none modding expirence, That is why im looking for modders to help me create these mods. Heres a list of the mod ideas, message me if any of them interest you.


-NCR Overhual

-Custom Armor

-Fallout 3 weapons

-(Personal mod) Tattoed Breezes Body

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Hey everyone, ive had a few mod ideas in my head for quite a while now. I have little to none modding expirence, That is why im looking for modders to help me create these mods. Heres a list of the mod ideas, message me if any of them interest you.


-NCR Overhual

-Custom Armor

-Fallout 3 weapons

-(Personal mod) Tattoed Breezes Body


check this out



That's the best your gonna get for fallout 3 weapons as files from fallout 3 cannot legally be uploaded to the nexus.


If you want to have those weapons in game and you have the caps check out my mod moira's supply. It adds a store with characters and dialog where you can buy the weapons found in fallout weapons restored without having to use console commands.

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since nobody is answering my other thread i will write it here.


in my project i need to make a NPC or a companion able to talk in a determinate place of the wasteland thanks to some activator or trigger.

i already did the companion and it's working perfectly, but i also want to make him talk to himself when he found himself in a determinate place on the map.

so anyone can help ?

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since nobody is answering my other thread i will write it here.


in my project i need to make a NPC or a companion able to talk in a determinate place of the wasteland thanks to some activator or trigger.

i already did the companion and it's working perfectly, but i also want to make him talk to himself when he found himself in a determinate place on the map.

so anyone can help ?


Well you won't get an answer posting in the middle of another topic. If people aren't answering it's probably because they don't know, or don't understand what youre asking.


Also nobody wants to do it for you, try to figure it out first, then ask about what you don't understand. I suggest seeing how the vanilla game handles companions that have comments about the area your visiting.


Off the top of my head I'd say you need to use the getincell command, try your script with that, if you still can't figure it out, post the script and ask how to make it work, people are more likely to help you if they see youre making an attempt.



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