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Help with message box script


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To put it simply: I want to write a script that shows a message (Debug.MessageBox) after a certain quest is done.

I'm not so good at scripting so I just added some scripts together. Here is the script as it looks at the moment:




"myStage" is the last stage of a quest, and that's the quest which the message should be shown after. I have tried to use some kind of "getquestdone" command but I can't find any that works.


Thanks in advance for any help!

Edited by iller
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I have tried to use some kind of "getquestdone" command but I can't find any that works.




If MyQuest.IsCompleted()
    Debug.MessageBox("My quest is completed.")


This fragment is most likely to work if you put it on a new quest with a single stage, that is run when your main quest is completed (via the "Next quest" drop-list on the Quest Stages form).


PS. why on earth are you calling OnInit from within the OnLoad block? That looks like trouble to me :tongue:

Edited by steve40
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Thanks to all that replied!


@steve40 your solution worked, so thank you very much :D


I did as you said plus ticked the box that said "Start Up Stage", and it worked.


PS. I don't really know what I did when I wrote that script. As I said, I was just adding some scripts together :P

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