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some probs with Skyrim


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For the past few days I've been having probs, and I can't figure out the trigger, or a fix. First of all Lydia has stopped fighting even when she's being attacked. And sometimes she'll squawk like a little girl that she's afraid of something, and has to get away from here. Very strange. Also, many of Riften's merchants have gone missing. The Blacksmith, the weapon/armor merchant in the marketplace, Brand-Shei. They're nowhere to be found. I haven't seen Mjoll either. Also, console commands don't seem to be working. I used the command "moveto 19DDC" which should have taken me to Brand-Shei, but nothing happened. I've also had quite a few CTD's, and had to load earlier saves. I don't have a lot of time, so I haven't done an exhaustive investigation, and these don't seem related, but altogether they are ruining my play time. I've tried removing some mods, with no success. UFO is one that I use, but I didn't delete that yet. Any ideas anybody??



Edited by Bob0920
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OK, well I figured out what I did wrong with the console - didn't put "player." in front of the command, BUT when I did that while standing in the Riften marketplace, yes, Brand-Shei appeared back at his place, and so did Grelka, and Mjoll, and perhaps others, BUT all their Riften marketplace stands disappeared along with some of the boardwalk below - all that remained was the central well, and a dragon attacked almost immediately. Curiouser, and curiouser... and the game crashed to DT... AARRGGHH!!!
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