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Bug regarding wife's HP


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I have a problem with my wife (aela the huntress). It doesn't matter if she follows me or not, she cannot die (she doesn't kneel when she is hit numerous times by enemies nor can't be killed by me). I even typed kill in the console and i set her as non-essential and still she doesn't die. I also tried with all my mods disabled and still no effect.


Its not that i want her to die, but she doesn't kneel and nothing can kill her (also her life bar doesn't show up when i hit her), so i feel like i'm cheating because sometimes the enemies are just fixed on her and i can kill them with ease.


This is my second play and i am very sure this didn't happen the first time i played. This only happens with her, any NPC (follower or not) besides her can be killed.


If there are any other console commands or even mods that would fix this i would much appreciate.

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Weird, I always thought Aela became unessential after marriage. Fwiw, I had a problem with Eola being unkillable during the cannibal quest. Fixed via the following console command:


setessential NPCbaseid# 0


so for Aela:


setessential 1A696 0


Edit: oops, just noticed that you appear to have tried this already (I'm assuming you used the base id and not the reference id?). Alas, that's all I got.

Edited by kevkiev
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@mojodajojo: I tried with the resetreference command, it didn't work. I also tried to disable her and enable and pretty much every command regarding her data.


@kevkiev: Yep, base id.


I managed to fix the problem. It turns out i had a previous follower mod called Amazing Follower Tweaks, now i use UFO. When i removed that mod (obviously i dismissed everyone as instructed) i still had the tweaks on my companion (the tweaks were activated automatically), so i found an option that can make her invincible (her life would not deplete at all no matter what i do). I installed that mod once again, disabled the option and she is now mortal, she can kneel and everything.


Next time when i remove a similar mod, i will make sure to check the options first. Still, i really appreciate for the help.

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