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Mod Request: Text Chat


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Hey there!

I know that the game hasn't been released yet, but I wished to ask if something were possible. You guys have a better knowledge of the technology here than I do so I figured the best way was just to put it to you.

I was wondering if it were possible to put text chat into 76. When 76 was announced my friends and I were all very excited as it'd give us a chance to RP together while wandering the Wasteland, however as time went on it seemed that they would make this game less of a Multiplayer online experience and more of a straight up destiny shooter with building mechanics.

To turn it back into the RPG I was wondering if there was any way to put in a text chat or a text client, so that friends on PC can communicate via text rather than speech. That way they can RP to their heart's content without being screamed at by "EdgeLord Bigman312".

Just a thought; thanks for the time though guys! Take care and I hope you guys can help save 76; I fear it's looking to be somewhat...problematic so far.

Take care!

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I don't know if this is possible, but I think Besthesda would't allow it, if modders creates a mod that would send data through the servers.


Maybe there is somewhere a textchat app, that you can force always on top and run fallout in borderless window mode so the chat is always visible. The "downside" is, only you and your friends are able to see the chat.


Just hope Bethesda will implement a chat later after release :wink:

Edited by sieben79
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Man I just want a Single Player Experience, Possibly a mod that will let me play offline and make a separate save file for offline game play. I do hope the New Vegas California guys make a story mode with what is given in the 76 lore, and some voice acted NPC's that are just other vault dweller who set up camps randomly around the Map you need to help, and for maybe make it a little harder cause for f*#@ sakes I'm just breezing through this game with unarmed combat punching the s#*! out of everything.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The best way to add text chat is via OVERLAYS and a third party chat program that runs in the background. This form of chat needs to know NOTHING about FO76, or modify the game in any way.


The great thing about PCs (until Microsoft finally ruins them and bans third-party win32 code, only allowing intstallation of walled garden trash from its app store like Apple) is the users ability to run low level code, and run multiple programs at the same time.


This way games can be 'streamed' even when the game itself lacks such support, by having the GPU driver intercept and encode the game output in real time. Games without speech or text support can have it added by running third party speech or text apps in the background.


So wanna text chat with your FO76 mates, go GOOGLE a solution. A solution NOT coded for FO76, but a solution coded to overlay the text screen on top of any game, with a keyboard intercept that can swap between the keys going to the game and keys going to the text app.


Best of all? This type of software is OPEN SOURCE, FREE and very well supported. Don't depend on code from the big boys (clue- windows inbuilt apps are the worst of class- the free alternatives are infinitely better).

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I think most of us know after all these years not to count on Bethesda to do it. I would settle just for having my Discord overlay show text chat from a discord server (if they ever make it do that). Sure I may not be communicating with the random players around me, but once a discord server gets popular enough most players will be in it anyway. They'd kinda be forced to at that point. lol

Edited by Skutal
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  On 11/20/2018 at 3:47 AM, Skutal said:

I think most of us know after all these years not to count on Bethesda to do it. I would settle just for having my Discord overlay show text chat from a discord server (if they ever make it do that). Sure I may not be communicating with the random players around me, but once a discord server gets popular enough most players will be in it anyway. They'd kinda be forced to at that point. lol

This is actually working. Discord recognizes the game properly since the last couple discord updates.

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