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Normalise Enemys.


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I have to admit, that set to hardmode, the game does chellenge me, but i don't understand the weak enemy / strong enemy thing. Why should one guy die in one shot, and the "boss" takes 20? I find it immersion breaking completely for one thing, but more than that, it makes the majority of kills boring.


Why not, make ALL bad guys "boss" mode, then maybe I can set my difficulty correctly, and all encounters will be more challenging.


I don't like godmode cheats, or even free gold. I like to start a new character and progress, I just want a more fluid feeling progression. Anyone else think this seemed clunky in vanilla Skyrim? Anyways, thanks for reading.

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You need an overhaul, my friend.


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ACE Comprehensive Enhancements

SkyRe (Skyrim Redone)

Requiem - The Oldschool Roleplaying Overhaul


-- figthing --

Deadly Combat

Duel - Combat Realism

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