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Pick up and relocate items that lay around


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Hi Guys,


in Fallout 3 you could pick up any item(I dont mean take it into your inventory), that was laying on the ground and have it hanging in midair. So you could place that item exactly where you wanted it to be. Playing with a gamepad you could do this by pressing one of the sticks. I'm really missing this function in Skyrim. I have this Mod "The Collectors Vault" by FingersKFF and I really love to have enough space to store all my stuff. But I'd like to place some Goblets, Bowls and Food on some of the tables and shelves there, because otherwise they would be quite useless. Telekenesis doesnt work, because all my stuff is just shooting around then. Can anybody please help me and tell me if there is a mod that gives you that pick up funktion or any ingame item, that would help me?





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Are you serious?

Hold E instead of pressing it, or whatever your configured take button is on your gamepad.

THis does not need to be a mod, its a built in function of all of the next gen Bethesda Games :)

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