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Able to make changes during skyrim game?


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I'd say impossible ... If it will allow you to do it you may crash skyrim. It shouldn't do any permanent damage though ...


Do you mean in the main menu or during a game?


Anyways, NEAT mod, I always wanted that. I hope it'll be avaliable... after I fix my mod catastrophe.


Edit: You should give the option between enhancing both the college of winterhold storyline and magic combat experience or just improving the storyline.

Edited by CookieSalesman
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The utility programs that allow installing/uninstalling/reordering esp/esm files are not functional while playing. All of the info from mods and load order is loaded each time the game starts, then those programs close.


If you mean, can you make changes to a game you are playing - while not actually in the game - Yes, that is exactly how it's done. Close the game, make your changes, the start the game and resume where you left off. The changes take effect when the game loads. :thumbsup:


If you mean, pause the game and tab out to make the changes. No, that won't work.

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I guess it is possible to create some sort of interface to view and reorder plugins using one of the script extenders, but it's not exactly a trivial task. It would require someone with the adequate skill-set and interest in making this work for it to become reality. To be honest, I don't think anyone will use the hot load feature to do their load-ordering in-game or from the main menu. There are superior tools for this out there. One the other hand, if you're not already familiar with bat files and want to load several plugins without typing them all manually every time you could create a .txt file in the Skyrim folder which would look like:


hlp plugin1.esp

hlp DrelasCottageMod.esp

hlp anotherPlugin.esp


and using the console you could use


bat filenameWithPluginList


to run all those commands at once. Mind you I haven't actually tried this, but it doesn't seem to far-fetched to work.

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