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Please help a arachnophobe.


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A friend on another Skyrim forum has serious arachnophobia, his stomach react badly (throwing, vomiting, catching rabbit.) upon the sighting of spiders.

While the existing spider-to-bear mod is very helpful, and he appreciates it very much. However a recent adventure in a Dwemer ruin proved an unfortunate fact that his arachnophobia also react badly to the sight of dwemer spiders.


So, can some one please make a mod that change/remove the Dwarven Spiders?

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I just started to mod and accepted this challenge, with succes!

There are some bugs, but it does what you said. Changes the Dwarven Spiders to Not-So-Mechanic Bears. They still drop the same stuff, incase you need it.

Im going to fix the bugs and then i will upload it.


E: It's right here! http://www.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19499, Still a work in progress but does what you have asked for.

Edited by Oplosthee
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