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Removing Power Connector Requirement


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Hey there!


So while I've used CK2 in the past, this is new to me. My goal is to remove the power connector requirement from, say, turrets, while still enforcing a requirement for power by having a pylon or other node of that kind nearby. I can only figure an activator would be required but I can't be sure. I have gone so far as to remove both the snapping node and the power AMOUNT requirement but unfortunately all this does is make it so when you connect a cable to the turret, it won't consume any power but will still turn on.


Has anyone experienced this method of using the CK2 and be willing to assist me with a few notes on doing this properly? Thanks for the assistance.


As a note, I've tried referencing the lightbulbs for a base but as they are lights/activators and the turrets are NPCs, the setup is quite different. I also attempted to reference a current mod on the Nexus but sadly that mod removes power requirements altogether and thus will not accomplish my goals.

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