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Collusion Box help

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Proficient with the CK, not proficient with every aspect aka collusion box.


In the later stages of completing a new world space, have a dragon, have a spot for him to hang out. Landing is fine, taking off the dragon flies through a mountainridge object.


Placed a collusion box in/on the mountainridge, still flies through it.


Any ideas on how to make a collusion area that works?


Is their a checkbox somewhere I need to fill to make the collusion box collide?


Any productive ideas welcome.

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your collusion box is working. and your dragon is working. What I mean is Beth doesn't stop dragons from going through solid objects. To my knowledge there isn't a workaround it's something i've had to put up with because dragons will fly through everything.

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  On 11/7/2018 at 6:59 PM, Daermonster said:

your collusion box is working. and your dragon is working. What I mean is Beth doesn't stop dragons from going through solid objects. To my knowledge there isn't a workaround it's something i've had to put up with because dragons will fly through everything.

Actually this response sounds about right.


Guess I will have to get creative with using patrol idles and aligning them up to "steer" the dragon.


Thanks Daermonster



Used two patrolidle markers oriented in the direction the dragon should fly. One placed on the ground at the dragon, the other in the air about 1024 distance linked to a travel package with a 5 minute duration which starts before the dragon actually takes flight. Works like a charm. Looks as the though the dragon woke up, crawled forward (away from the mountain mesh it was flying through) and took flight.

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