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NVNNN - Formal warning issued

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NVNNN has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


Condescending, disparaging, inappropriate and offensive comments on mod and image pages solely based on dislikes

Comments (excerpt):

05 August 2018 - 10:47 AM:
„Her face is an attempt to make it vanilla-friendly or something? that's some low-effort work for a follower mod.

Voice acting is really not bad though. Wonder how many lines she's got.

Don't know about the player home, but I can tell by the screenshots that it neither uses original textures/meshes, not it utilizes vanilla ones to look unique, which means it wouldn't be fitting for a player who've modded for quite a while + would lower standards for newcomers if they accidently find this mod.“

09 August 2018 - 05:48 PM:
„it seems that you just downloaded this preset ( https://www.nexusmod...tion/mods/.....), made a few tweaks and then posted it as "your mod".

check out user images“

11 August 2018 - 05:21 PM:
„what is wrong with your face? do you actually play with it?“

11 August 2018 - 03:28 PM:
„screenshots look fun. can anyone translate from hitler?“

11 August 2018 - 07:55 AM:
„I am not trying to offend the author/porter or anybody here, but i keep wondering: what is the deal with so many follower mods? Why do they exist in such big numbers? Who uses them? They're just retextures of one ineffective piece of AI, which is inconvenient to fight along side with.

I do understand Sofia, Recorder or Inigo, who provide immersive experience and some piece of commentary on events + relationship progression, but 99.9% of these are just silent big-butt ladies who just lollygag. Another note is that 99% of these follower npcs are low-quality in terms of detail. This one in particular doesn't even stand close to, for example, Bijin pack.

May be I don't understand something about Skyrim, but what do you guys actually do in-game with these? Flower girl them?“

11 August 2018 - 11:26 AM:
„that's exactly what i was asking. you say you want it full of followers. but why? what purpose do they serve? what do they do? what do you do?

i wasn't asking anything stupid and you can keep that attitude for your mother, not for internet conversation, *username* (lol).“

11 August 2018 - 11:16 AM:

i am trying to investigate the case of the ridiculous amount of follower mods on nexus. can you please explain your motivation behind creating a follower mod? why did you feel like the community needed it?“

01 November 2018 - 04:52 PM:
„you're one distaseful son of a *censored* eh?“

07 November 2018 - 08:49 AM:
„I am sorry, but that is not beautiful. Is that the best you can do? Please, do not listen to positive feedback about your work since it would just poison your judgement.

I trust you've been here long enougn to have seen some popular house mods. Here are links to best ones available on Nexus:






Can you compare your work with something listed above? Do you understand what those creators did to make their houses look unique, interesting and appealing to such a wide audience? Please try to and come back with something of a higher quality. For now, it's 17/100.“

07 November 2018 - 08:56 AM:
„This mod resolves all the issues you've been trying to fight:


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This user cannot post comments on the sites or forums for 7 days

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