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Hotkeys for loadouts


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I get really annoyed trying to switch weapons, spells between hands, and fiddle in my inventory all the time. It got me thinking what if hotkeys would control complete equipment, and/or skill sets.

You could press 1 and switch to street attire and it would equip fine clothes, an amulet for speech, or pick pocket skills. Or at least something that would change your left, right hand items, and shout. If I want my bow and whirlwind sprint, then switch to sword and shield with fire breath, I have to pause combat, and disturb the pace of the game.

Has no one had done this yet?

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Agreed! I used to play World of Warcraft, and it has a silly amount of abilities, but I enjoyed filling my keybinds, and my naga thumbgrid.


When I got Skyrim, I did appreciate the simplicity in many ways, but some things seem broken.


Why must we switch shouts?! Can't I use 3 buttons, and have 3 potential shouts? Real time doing a push shout, then (WITHOUT tab/choose new shout!) doing a sprint, or whatever?


On my thumbgrid, currently its


I would however suggest getting a Razor Naga (don't bother with the cordless one)


You can do pretty well switching spells or popping potions real time, because it gives you 12 thumb keys.


I just don't wanna switch shouts, I want 3 or more available real time.

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Well, if somehow I understand you correctly (i'm not an Engslish speaker), I think you guys might want to take a look at these:


http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17263 by Shayologo

http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16904 by Ebald

or http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/4273 by Andy Stark (his name reminds me of Iron Man somehow)


Hope you'll find it useful :D

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