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Someone Please Help Me!

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Alright, so i had just beaten the Fallout NV Main story line and was playin' the Lonesome Road DLC(the last one, I beat the other ones on my PlayStation) anyway, i was playin some of that and i noticed New Vegas was a little laggier tann usual, then it crashed when i was in vats and it kept doing that, so i went and followed one of Gopher's Performance issue fixers for New Vegas (
) , but once i did this, the game immediately crashed upon start-up. and still continues to do so. i Have mods installed, and they weren't causing any problems before i tried to fix and improve the performance (besides the same crashing problem at that spot, but i think if i re-loaded from an earlier save, that would fix it which it did most of the time for me) but now it wont even show me the very first slide in the Launch. I Get a black screen and then it crashes. Fallout NV has stopped working message. So i have no idea what to do, Somebody out there, PLEASE HELP ME. i Miss playing this game, and want top play, if you could help that would be amazing. Thanks guys, cheers.
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Uninstall the mods you installed and delete them. Installing 'performance' mods onto a game that didn't work in the first place will only make it worse. You need to find the cause of the problem: Bad Saves, Bad .ini files, etc. and not put any mods into the game until you have found the issue.


Well will it screw my game up even more after deleting installed mods? or do i re-install them after i possibly fix it and it will be fine?

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Uninstall the mods you installed and delete them. Installing 'performance' mods onto a game that didn't work in the first place will only make it worse. You need to find the cause of the problem: Bad Saves, Bad .ini files, etc. and not put any mods into the game until you have found the issue.


Well will it screw my game up even more after deleting installed mods? or do i re-install them after i possibly fix it and it will be fine?

ANYONE???? ;(

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