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Spellbreaker-esque magic effect


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To mess around with, I've been trying to make a magic effect for an enchantment on a shield. When blocking, the user's health and magicka are restored by <such and such> amounts.

So I have two new magic effects (essentially duplicates of their original magic effects, but: changed from "concentration" to "constant value" so I can make them enchantments for apparel, and with the blocking condition that you see on Spellbreaker), which are both combined to make a new enchantment, which is added to a duplicate of a simple iron shield.


When I load up the game and equip the shield, blocking produces the correct FX (as though I were casting concentrated Restore Health and Restore Magicka spells), but in fact the effect that this has on me is Fortify Health/Magicka for the magnitude values (which disappears once I stop blocking).


I basically don't understand why it's "Fortify Whatever" and not "Restore Whatever", especially since I just copied the Magic Effects that are used for the healing spell.


Any insights would be much appreciated! :)

Edited by true_kajex
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You clicked 'Recover' in the little array of checkboxes in the bottom left, DIDN'T YOU.




I...uh... don't know what you're talking about.... uhm er... oh dear.


Hahaha thank you though, especially for the speedy response, I was going crazy thinking there was some hidden effect archetype I wasn't seeing.

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Totes cool. ;D I notice there's comparatively far less support for modders working on spells than for quests.


(Suspicion: Spell Package Authors are in more direct competition with one another than Quest Mod Authors, and less eager to share info.)

Edited by AstralFire
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I don't mean to steal your topic, but I'm having a bit of trouble myself. I'd like to know how to make it so I can have a ward on a shield that CAUSES damage to my opponent. I've already used the Spellbreaker enchantment as a basis for my mod (got rid of the damage reduction) but now I want to make it so the ward hurts my opponents. Can either of you help?


P.S. would it be possible apply a ward to a weapon when blocking? I haven't been able to yet since all weapons seem to use the "Fire and Forget" and "Contact" options while wards seem to use "Constant" and "Self." This one has me stumped as well.

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Look into the OnWardHit and OnHit events.


As for the latter question, I don't see any reason why copying the spellbreaker's magic effect to a weapon in the CK wouldn't work.

To answer the second point of topic, I tried applying it to a sword but the enchantment doesn't appear under any options. I believe it's limited (for now) to armor as opposed to weapons.


And as for the first point of topic... I unfortunately don't know where those are. :wallbash:


As much as I hate to say it, I kinda jumped into this CK modding thing head first. I've made simple mods before, but they usually had some logic to them that I could follow and understand(I made an actual enchantment that causes extra damage to elves by studying the BladeofYsgramor files).


However I don't want to be some kind of leech that has you walk me through the process of making my mod step by step. Are there some tutorials I can look at and study to learn what I need to do in order to make my custom enchantments? (and by this I mean tutorials that are relevant)


Or maybe if you could, craft a quick tutorial that shows how to apply a fireball spell to a sword? (I know this request makes no sense, but it helps me understand my question better if I have an example showing me something similar to my question as opposed to just being given the answer to my question. In this case, applying something to an item that the item shouldn't be able to use properly)


Any help is appreciated!

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Thanks, sorry about bugging you. If you ever feel better please don't hesitate to revisit this post; while I'm going to go study the wiki pages now, I doubt my mod will be without any flaws any your knowledge would be invaluable. Thanks again and sorry for any trouble.
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Just throwing this out there... I also tried what you've described above, giving a weapon what is essentially a "constant effect" enchantment - which as we know doesn't work. But if you put the enchantment on, say, a ring - with the IsBlocking condition - wouldn't that work just as well if you're blocking with a weapon? I have no idea, I can't test it atm, but that might be a workaround.
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